The Fredrickson Family

Life brings simple pleasures to us every day. It is up to us to make them wonderful memories.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Another tooth!

Chase and Sophie went to the doctor for their 6 month and 4 year check ups. They both got shots and then stickers for being good. Sophie's stats were most impressive and are listed below.

Height: 39 inches (25%) -- She is 1 inch away from riding the big rides at Disneyland.
Weight 30.5 pounds (50%)-- Who would of thought this would ever happen.

Chase, by no surprise, has grown leaps and bounds since his last visit 1 month ago. He remains steady at the 97th percentile. He is also getting his 3rd tooth and gets relief by chewing on blankets, clothes or anything that gets near his mouth. Watch those fingers. We found out the reason why he has not mastered sitting yet. Since his neck muscles are tight he is unable to balance his head correctly. Doing the exercises will allow him to hold his head up straight which will in turn fix his balance. He's getting better everyday.

Height: 28.5 inches (97%)
Weight: 22 pounds (97%)
Head circ: 18 (75%)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Go Sophie & Chase!
