The Fredrickson Family

Life brings simple pleasures to us every day. It is up to us to make them wonderful memories.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Bless you Mama

In the car on the way to work and school I sneezed and Chase said "Bless you MAMA." I didn't teach him this so I asked his teacher at school and she said they have a girl in the class who has allergies and everytime she sneezes the kids say "Bless You." Ahh, another reason why preschool is so great :) Chase loves school now. When we drive up he says "Mrs Delgado" and when I pick him up he doesn't want to leave. His teacher says he still isn't talking much in class but he says 4 and 5 word sentences at home a lot. The other day he said "Mama, I see a bunny." He does have his moments where he gives me the angry stare and says in his big voice "No Mama, stop!"

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