The Fredrickson Family

Life brings simple pleasures to us every day. It is up to us to make them wonderful memories.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Pulte XMAS party

The Rockettes show was much better than I expected. It's a great show to take girls who are interested in dance and ballet. The costumes were great and they even had a live sheep and camel in the last scene. I didn't take many party pics this time so this is pretty much all of them.

Dinner at The Hyatt.

Becky and Shelley

The Rockette's Stage

Jutta and Hank

Before we left home.

In the car

Chase being silly before we left. I think if you look close you can see his molars that have been coming in and driving him crazy.


Andrea said...

Great pictures - you look beautiful. Never seen the rockettes. Sounds like it was an interesting party! Hey, just saw your slideshow on the upper-right corner w/ Sophie and all the Disney princesses. So cute!!

Anonymous said...

I love the pics of you two! You both look great! Sounds like it was fun.
