The Fredrickson Family

Life brings simple pleasures to us every day. It is up to us to make them wonderful memories.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve- Eve

We had a busy and fun holiday weekend. We met up with my Dad and Brother's on Sunday afternoon for lunch. We took a family photo since everyone was in their Sunday best.

After lunch we rushed home and met Josh's Parent's and Brother's family for dinner and presents!

This is the first gift Chase opened and he started crying because he thought Daddy was taking it away.

Chase loves this remote control car.

Chase's 1st guitar.

We gave this frame to Josh's Mom. It holds 30 4X6 pictures. We put pictures of our family in the middle, Josh's Brother's family on the right and his Sister's family on the left.


Andrea said...

Your family is so CUTE!

Michelle said...

The frame turned out really nice!

That is soooo funny that Chase thought Daddy was taking his present away.
