The Fredrickson Family

Life brings simple pleasures to us every day. It is up to us to make them wonderful memories.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Xmas Lights!

Chase and Sophie love to look at Christmas lights. We drive around the neighborhood and see the same houses each night, but they don't mind. Hopefully more people start putting up their lights this weekend. Chase points at the lights and says "blue lights" or whatever color they are. Even though it's cold they both want their windows rolled down so they can see the lights better. They are very excited to have our lights up, finally!

These first 2 pics I took with my Nikon with a flip up flash. I was in the middle of the street for both. The second two I took with my Sony cybershot point and shoot. I was in the street for the dark one and right up front for the lit one. I'll try and spend more time with my camera to get a good pic w/o the flash. I don't know why though, we hardly put up any lights up!!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I LOVE lights!! Very pretty! Hey, love the color of your house!
