The Fredrickson Family

Life brings simple pleasures to us every day. It is up to us to make them wonderful memories.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

4 months already

It is the MORNING of your life and all of your DREAMS are just beginning.

Chase is making Mommy and Daddy's morning fabulous by sleeping all night long ! Well, it only happened one day, but we are very hopeful.

He is now 4 months and 4 days old. Here are his latest stats:
Weight: 18 pounds 13 ounces, 95th percentile
Height: 27 inches, 97th percentile
Head Cir: 17, 75th percentile

He is drooling a lot, but he has no signs of teeth. He does watch us eat and moves his mouth like he is chewing. He also is starting to stare at his hands. His head is a little flat on one side and we have been working very hard to even that out, but Chase will have none of it. He is stubborn already. We have a referral to a Cranial specialist to look at it and maybe give us a band for Chase to wear. Better to get this done sooner than later because when they get to be 6 months old their soft spots start to go away and it takes much longer to correct.

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