Our little boy is all grown up. Just a few weeks ago he was our little baby and now he is our little toddler.(monster) He does lots of toddler things. Here are his latest accomplishments.
- drinks only out of a sippy cup
- is taking only one nap a day and now sleeping longer at night
- he WALKS, but still prefers to crawl
- he eats regular meals and drinks only milk
- he says mama, dada, ball, and baba (I am teaching him to say "milk" instead)
- he points at things, claps and waves bye bye
- he likes to snuggle and can be shy around strangers (he must take after Josh)
He checked out healthy at his 1 year visit to the doctor and his helmet comes off in 10 DAYS!!!
As you can see he has slimmed down quite a bit. (He used to weigh 29 pounds.) He recently had a growth spurt and grew an inch. The helmet people noticed too as his head improved greatly over these past 2 weeks.
Height: 33 inches (97%)
Weight: 27 pounds (90%)
Head: 19 inches (90%)
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